After purchasing Adobe Creative Suite 3.3 last early September, I wasn't completely taken off-guard by the announcement of CS4.0's oncoming release. If the ideal situation presented itself I would have certainly delayed my purchase, but necessity took precedence over convenience due to an oncoming project I had to perform for work.
The last version of Photoshop I had used, prior to owning CS3, was PS7. The differences are like leaving someone who you used to love for someone who completely adores you and just wants to hear your whole story. Someone who's so completely willing to make the world an easier place to walk through.
I digress, my father-in-law suggested to give Adobe a call to see if I somehow qualified for the upgrade seeing as how I did purchase so close to the upgrade's announcement. I had already looked into it online and found that others had tried with little success. Hearing David's suggestion out load and not reading it on an LCD display made so much more sense than reading about other people's failed attempts. I decided to give it a go.
I spoke with Jillian, she was delightful, but not from this country. I even called her out on flirting with me. Anyway, she said she could make an exception for me because, apparently, she could peer into the future and could see how great a man I will become. This is merely my assumption as I didn't give her much to run off of in the present. I had to simply procure some proof of my prior purchase and make sure that information gets delivered to Adobe. As it stands currently I'm awaiting Adobe to approve of my documentation and to ultimately ship out my 4.0 upgrade. The question that remains lingering in the back of my head, assuming that they do actually send me the upgrade, is will it be the Retail 4.0 upgrade or the Student edition.
Not sure. I'll be letting you know, world. That's right. I know longer pen these for friends or colleagues, or for America. Scotty gone global, nay, Universal. I'll talk to anyone and am constantly happy to do so.
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