Thursday, February 18, 2010

Things I need to work on.

Okay, I'm putting this list out there for some of you suckers to hold me accountable on.

A.) My website. I'm not looking for a complete redesign or anything. I think my mainpage is strong and just works well enough for what I do. It's the "what I do" part I think that needs the help. Some of the links have been festering for awhile now, we're talking years and what's even amazing is as long as they've been that way, as I'm typing this out I'm getting ideas. Perhaps that's the power of blogging? I've written in my journal about this stuff but perhaps it's the whole "putting it out there" aspect of blogging that is getting my gears turning a little bit. Whatever it is, sweet!

B.) I need to do way more fiction writing. As guilty as I am I'm actually feeling good about the amount I've produced over the past year and I'm off to the best start this year than I ever have been. I've also just agreed to provide some content for a Zine my good friend Kurt Christenson is working on, so there's a little fire under my butt to work on that stuff.

C.) I need to stop getting irritated at people that call it "The Mac Store." Yes, it's called the Apple Store. Yes the sell Macs. Do these same people call Victoria Secrets the Bra and Panty Shoppe, or Barnes and Noble the Book Store? Okay, probably they do on that last one, but I've heard it enough times from too wide a demograph of people to simply sum it up to only stupid people saying it. As a Christian I can only ask the good Lord to forgive them and also accept his forgiveness myself for getting so aggravated over something so dumb.

Might it be a marketing flaw from Apple themselves, if that's even possible? (The answer is yes, it's possible) A branding problem? It's hard for me to think of it as a problem when I see how popular they are. But also, it's usually cheaper to get stock macs from Amazon. And to those who don't know it, they carry the same warranty as Apple Store bought macs and yes, you can still do the whole genius bar/help desk thing.

D.) The Bible. I know I'm probably losing some of you with this one, but oh well. I needs to be reading me some more Bible. Life things just seem to align themselves better when I'm on point and devoting some time to this stuff.

E.) Get more of me out there. Success isn't so much about how the world sees you, it's about the amount of acceptance you have for yourself. You can have nothing, and if you're happy, to me you're successful. It's not to say I'm not happy...but I can easily say I'm not satisfied. I know there is more to me than what I allow out of myself. I'm capable of so much more. So that's really my new goal. More. Better. More and better. Sometimes more, sometimes better, sometimes both at the same time and reversed and upside down and sideways. But hopefully never something with neither, which I think would be nothing.

Never nothing again, forever and ever, amen.

- S


Kurt Christenson said...

Yay! It's a whole new beginning baby. Finally got my office, moved to Brooklyn today. Writing is imminent.

SRH said...

You need to post a new post soon, son. This one seems a bit stale.