Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rest in peace...no seriously, get some rest.

"I'm dying..." he said to me. Scott St.Pierre was not dying. I'm certain of this. Sick? Yes. Deathly ill? Please- not in the slightest.

"It's the eggs in the cookies I had at the airport!" he said excitedly showing no sign of sickness, "I've got salmon-nella."

"That's not what salmonella sickness looks like, just get some rest sir." His wife is correct. He's such a baby when he's sick.

Anyway, no news for the now. I lowered the price on his stories on amazon.com's kindle store. It seems the world of eBooks, at least with the lesser known author's has a different value system than the print world. Whereas Scott has sold plenty of copies of his printed short stories for $4 each, it appears that $2.99 is too expensive a price point for the unknown self-published ebook author. At least in regards to shorter fiction. I urge Mr. St.Pierre to keep in mind once his longer works are done with the editing stage that he should price them aggressively or at least complimentary with what's going on with the market.

Oh, one more thing, Mr. St.Pierre says in lieu of flowers send checks made out to his wife, Karen. Sigh, thank you.

- -Michael

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