Thursday, April 19, 2012


So we've been decluttering around the St. Pierre home for a good while now. Part of the process is looking at every single thing we own and deciding whether we want to continue owning it or not. Not so long ago my Wife was accepted in to Art School as a photography major (which changed soon after,) and had amassed quite a collection of vintage cameras. Most I didn't care about and we both never knew if some of them ever worked or not. They just looked cool. Well, of the bunch we had four polaroid cameras. Two of them pack type film cameras and two of them 600 series.

I bought some film from The Impossible Project for the 600 cams. Honestly, haven't gotten a chance to shoot with it yet, but from what I'm seeing on flickr or results vary greatly, and then there's the chance that the person's camera might not be working right, or maybe the film really isn't "there" just yet. [update, as of tonight I just received an email from Impossible, they have a new formula for their instant films now, so perhaps the quality will become more consistent?]

The film for the Polaroid Land Camera is still made and easily available from Fujifilm. For the standard color format the part number is FP100-C. and I'm enjoying the hell out of shooting with it. The cameras I have are a Polaroid 100 and a Polaroid 440.

Here's some samples of the images I'm getting out of these cams.

Small amount of curves adjustment in photoshop on this one

No adjustments at all on this one. 
The smiling ear to ear little boy is my kiddo. That's his first ever ice pop so he's awfully excited.

I just received 5 more packs of film (10 shots to a pack) today in the mail and I look forward very much to my new analog hobby. 

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